Sunday, December 7, 2008


My 520 Reading Class

This meaningful session ends. It ends with all its distinguished classes. It has nothing left except its memory. It was totally different from any other sessions because since it began, last months of my pregnancy have started. It was not easy to balance between my homework, my health and my family, but now I am really happy because I could continue this session successfully and gained lots of experiences. However, my reading class was an amazing class in this session and I liked it for several reasons.

I learned lots of things in this class. First of all, I learned how to analyze the academic articles and how to write my personal response. Also, I learned how to differentiate between summarizing and paraphrasing, how to write each one and how to write any citation. I learned some useful techniques such as how to find, highlight and focus on main ideas in any scientific or academic article. Also, how to choose academic articles and what the difference between academic articles and other articles are. Worth mentioning is that our book which we used was so beneficial to learn new academic vocabulary and to increase our scientific knowledge.

However, we made great works together. Individual and group activities, on line magazine, Timed Reading, projects, group discussion and on line journals are some learning technique, which we used in this class. In sum, this class was mix of reading, writing and speaking skills.
Finally, I want to thank my classmates and Eilidh Singh, our distinguished teacher. She has creative teaching methods and attractive ideas to get our attention. Moreover, we were as friends and there wasn’t gap between us, so it was easy to understand her ideas. She was kind with me and as a sister for each of us. Worth mentioning is that in the first day, I decided to change my class because her attendance policy and I was not sure if I can attend our class on time. After two classes, I found her way of teaching was very interesting. Therefore, I changed my mind and decided to be on time and I could do it :)

I don’t know if this evaluation for our class or expression of my feelings, but I couldn’t choose any other topic to write about it because I think I can write about any other topic later, and it is the best opportunity to thank my teacher and my classmates about every things because we were really a big cooperative family.

This journal will not be my last journal, so see you soon

Thanks for all of you and have a great holiday.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Complex issue

I read lots of articles about global warming in order to collect information, which I needed to present them in my writing calss, I was really shocked when I read the numbers of people who were killed by natural catastrophes in lots of countries, which were affected by global climate variability (both natural and human induced), such as Venezuela, the U.S, India, Indonesia, China and much more.
Who does not hear about floods, typhoons, droughts and other natural catastrophes? All these issues have happened because average temperatures around the world are rising gradually,which is called global warming.
However, we are responsible in somewhat about this disaster. It is quite irritating to see lots of people from different ages smoke cigarettes everywhere, which increase pollution, while other people try to do their best to protect environments. For example, we can find people who oppose using cars or even airplanes in order to reduce this issue.
Nevertheless, in my point of view, we cannot get along without modern technologies and without our factories even if they are worsening our environments because they have become essential things in our lives; likewise, we cannot ignore our environments. Therefore, people can plant more trees, recycle and stop burning things because pollution is the main cause of global warming.
Also, I believe that as people have invent lots of things to improve our lives since long time ago, they can invent new things or develop what we have rightly in form that save and serve our environments.

These are some helpful links about global warming

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Cell phone

Who does not annoy and distract when someone’s cell phone rings in the middle of class, test, or meeting?

Some people consider it an annoying tool because it spends their time, or because misusing it from people who do not care about others’ feelings.
In contrast, some people consider it as an important tool especially this period of time to reserve or cancel their appointments or to use it in emergences cases. Recently, it is rarely to find a person adult or young without a cell phone. Here is a list of countries by the number of cell phones in use.
We can notice the number of cell phones in use comparing with the number of the population in each country.
However, cell phones attract people by their types, colors and sizes. We know that all cell phones’ companies compete to add new characteristics to their products to attract people. Also, they offer some safety tools such as speaker which lets people talk on their cell phones easily and safely when they drive, cook and work. Therefore, each person is responsible to be safe and aware in using it.
The article in our book shows that not only cell phone causes cars’ accidents but there are several other causes. Also, it shows that cell phones cannot cause brain cancer directly and people need more research and accurate studies to prove that cell phone can cause it. I agree with these facts, and I know that there are some negative aspect of cell phones, but I think cell phones are not the problem, but the problem is in misusing it , and people need some consciousness to know how to use it and when.

Finally, I would say that cell phones will not disappear any time soon, and people cannot get a long without them. Therefore, we have to choose either accept it with all its negative and positive aspects or to work hard to increase people’s consciousness.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Creative person who I admire

I liked this topic which encouraged me to write about a creative person who I am interested in. People's opinions may differ about a creative work and a creative person, but from my point of view, adding a new value, finding a new way to live, leaving a distinguished reputation or a great achievement is a creative work.
I knew lots of people who did a creative work, but I would like to write about the dean of Computing and Information Technology College in our university in Saudi Arabia-Dr.Arwa Al Aama.
Maybe she is not well known everywhere, but she has been doing creative works in our university.
In her early life, she tried to join a scholarship program, but she couldn’t because in that time the scholarship programs in my country were for men only. She faced lots of difficulties in her life, but she could overcome them and become the best. However, she joined George Washington University in U.S.A, and she got a master and PHD degrees. She got many awards and certificates from GWU and from our government as well.
After she came back, she did astonishing works in our university. She changed some courses, added new courses and improved our computers’ labs. Also, she added a project for each course and each project serves one category in our society by developing programs, developing websites or developing electronic systems.
By this way, she lets students benefit the society by their projects in each course.
Furthermore, she lets them see and practice environment of works by sending them to companies if those companies have programming problems in order to recommend solutions for them. Also, she always gives suggestions to improve the computer science department which became the most successful department in our university.
Recently, it was transformed to an independent college. She also works as a consultant for many famous companies in our country.
She taught me that creative people usually don’t give up easily or early. They persevere and work hard. Also, they seek problems, find them interesting and see them as opportunities. She benefited me a lot, and I admire her works. I hope that I can work with her one day.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Reality of Success

I believe that there is no person can succeed without help from someone else. The help can be from father, mother, friend, husband, wife, sister or anybody who gives him words, money, encouragement or any kind of help. Everybody has a dream or a goal wants to achieve it, and needs any of these kinds of help to move on. When people want to achieve their goals, they may face some problems have to solve them, risks have to overcome them, loans have to pay them, or some weaknesses have to overcome them. Therefore, people have to help each other to achieve their goals even if they have their own achievements, and they must not live for themselves only, because there are another people are waiting at least one word to live. Sometimes one word is enough to change other person life.
I think the person should not be as a candle bursts itself to give the light to others, but must be as a tree benefits people by its shadow and fruit, but it also still strong and firm. The biggest companies in the world were established by some individuals who share their ideas, money, reputations and works.There are a lot of examples in ourlives which prove that people need help from others to succeed.
I still remember the story about the nine disabled people who participated in Seattle Olympic. They could not run but they liked to participate and try. After the contest began, one of them fell on the ground and started to cry. The other eight people came back to him, and one Mongolian girl hugged him and she asked him “do you feel ok now?”. Then all of them started to walk together, and the entire crowd clapped along time. All people were affected by this situation because all of us know that the live is greater than make the win for only ourselves. This is the reality of success

I hope you enjoy my topic.
see you later :)

Friday, October 3, 2008


Welcome to my blog, I liked the idea of writing our journal in this way, and I hope all my classmates too :)