Sunday, December 7, 2008


My 520 Reading Class

This meaningful session ends. It ends with all its distinguished classes. It has nothing left except its memory. It was totally different from any other sessions because since it began, last months of my pregnancy have started. It was not easy to balance between my homework, my health and my family, but now I am really happy because I could continue this session successfully and gained lots of experiences. However, my reading class was an amazing class in this session and I liked it for several reasons.

I learned lots of things in this class. First of all, I learned how to analyze the academic articles and how to write my personal response. Also, I learned how to differentiate between summarizing and paraphrasing, how to write each one and how to write any citation. I learned some useful techniques such as how to find, highlight and focus on main ideas in any scientific or academic article. Also, how to choose academic articles and what the difference between academic articles and other articles are. Worth mentioning is that our book which we used was so beneficial to learn new academic vocabulary and to increase our scientific knowledge.

However, we made great works together. Individual and group activities, on line magazine, Timed Reading, projects, group discussion and on line journals are some learning technique, which we used in this class. In sum, this class was mix of reading, writing and speaking skills.
Finally, I want to thank my classmates and Eilidh Singh, our distinguished teacher. She has creative teaching methods and attractive ideas to get our attention. Moreover, we were as friends and there wasn’t gap between us, so it was easy to understand her ideas. She was kind with me and as a sister for each of us. Worth mentioning is that in the first day, I decided to change my class because her attendance policy and I was not sure if I can attend our class on time. After two classes, I found her way of teaching was very interesting. Therefore, I changed my mind and decided to be on time and I could do it :)

I don’t know if this evaluation for our class or expression of my feelings, but I couldn’t choose any other topic to write about it because I think I can write about any other topic later, and it is the best opportunity to thank my teacher and my classmates about every things because we were really a big cooperative family.

This journal will not be my last journal, so see you soon

Thanks for all of you and have a great holiday.


Eilidh said...

Raghdah thank you so much for your kind words.It is always a bittersweet moment at the end of a session, as we are all happy that all the hard work has come to an end, at least for a while, but it is also sad as the people we have met are people whom wwe may never see again, and that for me is always sad, as I often feel that after these 12 weeks, we all know one another much better than at the start of the session, and in some ways I wish that we could now start the session, as we understand each other better. Each class is different, but without cooperation , it never works. I have to say that I looked forward to this class every day, as there was always a feeling of cooperation and friendliness,and I shall miss that!
Don't forget to stay in touch with the blog, as you must let us all know about your new little baby! I wish you all the very best for the coming birth!

JI MIN said...

Hi, Raghda!
You chose the same topic as me. Even though you're pregnant, you worked really hard. It was deeply impressed to me. I'm so proud of you.
I was really happy to work with you because you encouraged me a lot. It was lucky for me to take two same classes with you.
I wish your happy future with your family.(new baby~ yeah)